Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Baby Boy Turns 12

I really don't know why I can't be more regular with my blogging. I LOVE reading other peoples blogs, but I always forget about my own. Too many other things going on I guess.

I think today I just want to talk about things that are happening in my life right now.

My baby boy (OK so he's not a baby anymore) is turning 12 tomorrow! 12, can you believe it? I keep telling him "no more" and "enough is enough" - he's not supposed to be growing up this fast. I really wish I could just bottle this time in life and carry it with me everywhere. I was looking at Christopher last night as he ran around the house in his PJ shorts and no shirt. His body is really changing, with everything becoming more defined. It really hit me that he's growing up, and I must say that I'm not crazy about the idea. I plan to keep him young for as long as possible. My one consolation is that he's still crazy about his mom, especially at night when it's time for bed... that's when he gets all soft and cuddly... and tends to want to talk about everything... it's the best time of the day!!!

So, we will celebrate his 12th birthday tomorrow with dinner at Caesars Steak House. He has been wanting to go there, but it's super expensive. We decided that we would celebrate our three birthdays (Bruce's, Christopher's, and mine - all within a couple weeks of each other) by splurging on dinner at Caesars. As a bonus, Christopher doesn't have school tomorrow, so he gets his birthday off - lucky guy! Too bad I have to work... boo hoo... that sucks!

We are still struggling with the perfect gift... it's between a drum set (I know, I'm crazy) and a basketball net. Katie's going to buy him a gun... yep, a gun... a PELLET gun. What am I thinking??? Christopher had the opportunity to play with a friend's pellet gun a few weeks back and so I thought that would be a cool gift for him... even though I hate the guns in his video games. This seems different though, because he'll use it for target shooting. I'm not sure if I'm making a mistake or not, but I feel quite comfortable with my decision so that can only be a good thing. HOWEVER, if he shoots his sister, even once, he's DONE!

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