Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Little Bumps

So, I got some semi-good news today which is making me feeling pretty good. I can't go into details because he doesn't want me to, so I'll stay silent. I will say that God is good. He leads the way. He has a plan. He provides. The little bumps along the way make us stronger and allow us to handle the bigger things yet to come. So, for now, it's a little bump, and I continue to pray that it doesn't get bigger. Maybe it's just a reminder at how precious this life is and how He is in control... always. How we must put our trust in Him and let the journey lead us to where He wants it to go. I thank Him for my family and all the blessings of my life.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Lunch Date

So, I took my boy on a lunch date today! Haven't done that in forever. It was special!

I asked him last night if he'd like to go out for lunch today, and he didn't even hesitate. "Sure!" he said with a big smile on his face. I think he actually still likes me!! Yippee.

So I picked him up from school and we went to Swiss Chalet for lunch. It was nice. We talked, just the two of us... no interruptions - well, other than the food :-) He had a big vocabulary exam this morning that had been stressing him out for days, so now that it's over I think he was feeling pretty relaxed. I just thought he deserved some special time with mom... OK, mom needed some special time with her boy!

It just felt right... me and my boy... wish I could keep him small... gosh I love him!